Numerous issues were covered in this class that linked the whole research process together. Doing good research requires that you have a particular mindset.
Reflexivity - I think that when you are conducting your research it is important to be both close and specific as well as step back and see the big picture from a distance.
In terms of selecting the appropriate theory I came up with the following points?
1. See what has been use in the prior literature
2. See the research questions and issues you are trying to address
3. Fit with your conceptual model
4. Understand the underpinning assumptions in the theories
5. Be familar with the limitations of the theory
6.Make sure that there is a match between the unit of analysis/scale in your study and the theory
If there are contradictions and there is inconsistency, then it is likely that the theory needs to be changed.
Theory is your ontology of reality
Theory is your why to your what
Theory provides explanations
Research is not truth, it is about good argument – your argument is good if it is well justified and you can defend it. For example, in some accounting papers I have read I have noticed that every step or decision is explaned and defended so that you can't really argue against it. Starting from the motivation of the study leading to the research issue, it is embedded within the broader literature. The theory helps to make sense and explain what you are examining and is either consistent with prior researchers, or if is is different there is some logical argument for why this is the case. The research methods flow from the theory and the research problem as research methods need to be consistent with the theoretical framework, and so on.
The ‘tacit’ rule of the game (academic rule) is argument, consistency, coherence and cohesiveness. This means that the paper/thesis can be justified and defended, and all the elements are linked so there is flow. The final product in an academic paper is what they end with, and not what they started with. As the only permanent thing is change. The best plan is one that changes in light of new information. You need to be reflexible and adaptable during the research process and in qualitative research, design is an iterative, adaptive cycle.
Given this it seems that a good researcher is one that does not know what their final results will be or what the finished product will be, because if we knew the answer ex ante we would not be doing research.
Bad research is when there is inconsistency. For example, there are different arguments throughout the paper, you argue one thing and measure another thing, have differing conflicting theories, your argument does not fit with your theory, your introduction and conclusion do not match, etc. This weakens your research as good research is good argument and your argument does not hold.
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